Contact Form

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If you would like to discuss anything with one of our counsellors or psychotherapists, to find out how we can help or if you would like to make an initial appointment to see a counsellor or psychotherapist at The Turner Centre, you can either contact the centre and discuss how we can help or you can make an appointment directly with one of our therapists through their profile on the website - to contact the centre, you can call us or email;


Tel 01206 544458 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you do call the centre, our Therapy Services Manager will take your call and ask you a few details which will include, when you are available to come for an appointment and will go through the fees and how it all works - this is to ensure that we find the most suitable therapist for you.

That therapist will then make contact with you to introduce him/herself, so you can speak to the therapist you are seeing before you meet them, and to confirm your appointment and to make sure you know where the centre is located.

If our Therapy Services Manager is unavailable when you call, please do leave a message on the answer phone with your preferred contact number and she will call back very quickly. All messages left on our answer phone are treated confidentially.

Our Therapy Services Manager is available;

Wednesday & Thursday 9:30am - 3pm

Fridays 9:30am - 2pm

Outisde of these hours you can leave her a message and she will call you back. You can also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Turner Centre for Counselling & Psychotherapy,
52, North Hill
Colchester C01 1PY


The centre is located On North Hill, next door to the 6th Form College and the entrance is on the right hand side along the driveway between the college and North Hill Hotel. It is discreetly positioned but easily accessed.


We aim to offer you an appointment within 48 hours



Counselling in Colchester or Psychotherapy in Colchester